Working and Living in Indonesia Cost, Visa, Procedures

Working and Living in Indonesia: Cost, Visa, Procedures

An alluring employment opportunity or an alluring location for a prosperous installation might encourage expatriation. These two ideas are combined in Indonesia, where there is a sizable French-speaking population. However, given the size of the nation, Jakarta is not the same as Bali in terms of living conditions for foreigners. How do I resolve it? All of our information is below.

Indonesia: The tenth-largest economy in the world

You would need to get rid of the thought that there are just rice paddies as far as the eye can see if you had continued. Living in Jakarta will expose you to a thriving economy that is distinct from the stereotypes of old Europe because it is currently ranked third in the world, just after France and Great Britain.

The G5 is not far away at this pace. But a sizable portion of the populace continues to live in abject poverty. As a result, the gains are not shared equally among everyone. This does not deny the fact that domestic consumption is substantial. As a result, if you lack a diploma or work experience, your typical income will be quite low.

Getting a visa and a work authorization

Getting visa work authorization Indonesia

For individuals desiring to reside in Indonesia for a long duration (+ 3 months), the administrative procedures are not simple. You require a visa even to visit for a week while on vacation. This costs $30 and is provided upon arrival.

With, you are only permitted to stay in the nation for one month at a time and renew it only once, provided that you have a sponsor on-site and complete the necessary steps at least ten days before your visa expires.

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The tourist visa

You must complete the procedures at the embassy before departing for stays that must last two months. Even if it takes time, there will still be some immediate savings. Please be aware that the visa is only good while you are within the country. You'll need to ask for a new one if you want to enter it again.

Depending on your intentions and circumstances, a visit, retirement, or business visa may be more appropriate if your objective is to work in Indonesia.
In any event, it is preferable to confirm before departing that there are still blank pages in your passport for immigration stamps and that the expiration date is far enough off (at least a year).

The visa for Kunjungan (known as “visit”)

It will enable you to stay in Indonesia a bit longer. This has nothing to do with visiting the nation as a tourist but rather with visiting the nation to, say, see relatives or for higher education.

If you have a guarantor on the premises, it is valid for six months (local resident or school). You must provide an Indonesian-written letter from him attesting to this. One minor extra restriction is that you must renew it every month.

A retirement visa

A retirement visa can be requested by anyone over 55 who are financially capable of pursuing their goals. At his native country, in the embassy, or in a consulate, he asks himself these questions. After receiving it, you have three months to travel to Indonesia before it expires.

Obtain a business visa

Please be aware that this visa will not be able to help you get a job offer in Indonesia especially if you are a foreigner. It does not grant the right to employment or compensation. It just enables you to go there and conduct your business.

Working in Indonesia is difficult, so be ready

Regardless of whether you are European or not, moving there is not the easiest thing to do. You'll need to be patient if you want to succeed. Fortunately, the person who recruited you will be responsible for taking care of a lot of the legalities. Please be aware that you do not have the right to begin practicing your profession until they are finished.

If you don't have this assistance, you'll have to hire someone whose job it is to complete the procedure since it's challenging to wade through the mountains of paperwork and rules that practically make the French government appear like Disneyland. Then there is corruption, which is almost systemic.

Additionally, we caution you against picking the incorrect employer because you will have to start over from scratch if something goes wrong and you have to quit.

Go with family

Working in IndonesiaOnce more, this is not at all evident. To be ready for everything, keep in mind that it is best for your small children to have their own passport rather than being added to the one of the parents. Additionally, confirm that each family member's passport is valid for at least one and a half years.

A temporary residency permit, known locally as the KITAS visa, cannot be applied for after this date. You must be married if your objective is family reunification.

Living in indonesia for a while

The resident card is a little gem that gives you permission to stay on Indonesian soil for up to five years. Not everyone who applies for employment in the nation will be accepted. Only individuals identified as having a specific interest in Indonesia, such as researchers, scientists, instructors, etc., will be eligible.

Similar to that, it might be difficult for a local employer to hire a foreigner. Entrepreneurs will have to produce evidence that they couldn't function without you if the employment opportunities they offer to you are mostly in the real estate, catering, or hotel industries, sectors where the French are particularly present.

Besides, you can never perform any more jobs beyond those listed in the work visa,as you caa put yourself at the risk of having to return home immediately. Therefore, be cautious while handling business cards as they might be used as evidence against you.

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KITAS = freedom?

Not really! For instance, you'll need to get authorization and a departure voucher from the immigration office if you want to leave the nation to go sight seeing. Nothing indicates that you will be permitted to enter again without this authorization.

Don't forget to renew your visa if it expires while you are in the departure period. It would be unfortunate to have to start again because of a simple missed date!

Last but not least, be aware that the KITAS permit is not sufficient for a calm life in Indonesia. If you plan to drive a vehicle there, you should have your Indonesian driving permit, your registration certificate for temporary residents, your residence certificate (aside from in Jakarta), your STM certificate (which can be obtained from the police in your place of residence), and your registration certificate for temporary residents.

Rules in Indonesia: a harsh world

rules in indonesia

The worst thing about new legislation is that they frequently make everything complicated rather than making it simpler. Hence the necessity to have a specialist at your side who is used to these situations, whether in Bali or elsewhere. If not, get ready to rip out your hair…

Finding a job in Bali as an Expat

The island of smiles is a great place to vacation, but is it also a great place to work and live every day? If you're seeking a job locally, your best bet is to look in the tourist industry because it makes up the vast majority of the island's economy. Education (French schools) and the textile industry are two more industries that are likely to employ.

Let's face it, expats will struggle to get employment there. People you may encounter on the streets or in clubs are not looking for job; they are here for pleasure. The pay for low-skilled employment is also quite low. Before starting this adventure, ask yourself if you can survive on $200 a month.

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The obstacles to avoid

Why is employment so scarce for foreigners? It's because of the poor wage, requirement to learn English, difficulty in acquiring a work visa, and substantial annual tax obligations to the government.

In order to succeed abroad as an expat, one must possess talents that open all doors (and the diplomas that go with it). If you work in construction or agriculture, your chances are low. However, you also have the option to cling on.

Our advice on finding employment

There are still methods to get a job in Bali if, in spite of everything, you still want to pursue your goal. The simplest move is a professional one; nevertheless, you must continue to work for a firm that has a local subsidiary.

However, as is the case everywhere in the world, a spontaneous application is more likely to succeed. There will need to be many of them before one of them succeeds, but nobody is required to do the impossibly difficult.

Other channels include classified advertisements in local publications and online, as well as word of mouth (hence the need to be nice and know how to develop your network very quickly on site).

Why relocate to Bali?

Because why not? Asia is a fantastic training ground for recent graduates and may soon overtake the United States as the world's leading employer of executives. These nations' fast expansion ensures that there will always be destinations for intrepid travelers.

How you can find your way the moment you start living there?

  • Possess knowledge in Indonesian, in addition to having great English, which is usually appreciated.
  • Start with an internship; many people have done so and it occasionally results in a job offer.
  • Apply for positions in a field you are familiar with.

What is the cost of living in Bali? What workplace circumstances?

cost of living in bali

Everything is dependent on your needs and way of living. If you are not too picky about your housing, you can survive on 300€ a month. However, with this budget, you will have to live like a native and leave your Western habits in the locker room. The meal is excellent and really affordable. Even on a tight budget, you can maintain a healthy diet.

The rule for labor is a 40-hour workweek with one or two days off. Both temporary contracts and permanent contract of employment exist. Social security taxes are minimal: 2% of wages. 55 years old, early retirement. It must be acknowledged that so many young people are lagging behind.

Finding a job in Jakarta

In addition to Bali, the economic center of Indonesia offers additional benefits. There are numerous foreigners who are drawn to Jakarta. Arriving in this city, one is struck by how dynamic it is. It is a megalopolis in the way that we envision them to be: full of people moving about all day long and towering towers.

In industries like energy, raw resources, precious metals, finance, insurance, chemicals, etc., there are major corporate headquarters for foreigners who wish to work. If you have the ideal profile, finding them in the capital is always easier than finding them elsewhere. The wise course of action is to realize that private English classes in Jakarta are in high demand if you know nothing other than English. enough to cover the spinach with butter while you wait for something better.

Working on the Java island

It's a sizable island with a large population of expats; a Frenchman looking to make money shouldn't merely open a business in Bali. Other cities with job openings include Jakarta, Cirebon (culture and tourism), Karawang (industrial), Bandung (textiles and business), and Yogyakarta (teak furniture).

On the island of Java, there are several sizable international businesses in the information technology, hospitality, insurance, telecommunications, and new technology sectors.

Finding an internship in Indonesia

internship in indonesia

It makes sense for a student to desire to learn about the world. Indonesia is undoubtedly among the best travel destinations in terms of landscape and opportunity. The nation has the potential to become one of the world's leading economic powers in the following 20 years. We are a long way from the crisis that was familiar to old Europe!

The socio-cultural visa is fantastic news for trainees because it is one of the simpler to get than a work visa, which is quite difficult. You are permitted to stay in the nation for up to 240 days straight, which is great for a six-month internship.

The procedures

Please take note that the following papers must be included with the application file when submitting it to the embassy of the country of departure:

  • The internship contract
  • Ticket for his flight (AR)
  • A passport remaining valid after the return date by one semester
  • ID pictures
  • 40 euros (provide cash, embassies are often in areas without ATMs)
  • The right form, filled.

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Embrace possibilities.

Everyone can find an internship in Indonesia if they use a little creativity. Keep in mind that hiring an intern is a smart move for a business since the individual is dynamic and not overly concerned with pay or scheduling.

Large corporations, both domestic and international, abound throughout the nation. Therefore, welcoming trainees is a practice. To search offers, use your school as a starting point. They frequently have contracts with nearby businesses.

The Internet has changed this side of things, so this does not stop you from doing your small research. For our parents, it was a lot harder! Last but not least, keep in mind that spontaneous applications might occasionally result in pleasant surprises.

Establishing a business in Indonesia

Since entrepreneurship is already by nature an adventure, Indonesia is unquestionably on the road to gold! Numerous expatriates continue to travel there in order to try their luck despite this great leap into the unknown. Tourism continues to be the industry with the most opportunities.

The cause of the achievement? Even while it could be simpler to handle interactions with the administration, which is complex and nearly unbeatable over the world, a foreigner who wants to start a business in Indonesia is not required to take on a local partner (the French are small players next door). But if others can, why can't you?

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What you need to know about setting up your box in the nation

There are several approaches, whether you work alone or with people. The PT (perseroan terbatas), which needs a minimum start-up capital of Rs 50 million and a minimum of two partners, is the local counterpart of the LLC (limited liability company). However, after setting up his PT, a foreigner who wishes to remain the master on board (and retain up to 99% of the capital) must construct a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing). Even if the partners do not have to be Indonesians, it is still easier when they are.

If you have the necessary funds (at least for the minimum capital) and investors, the process is complicated but not impossible. After that, just as in France, you'll need to create a bank account, file your taxes, and get your business approved by the relevant government (it is in principle the notary who takes care of this last point).

Some truths are not nice to share.

When we are not ready for it, the reality that lies beyond paradise is sometimes sudden. Be aware that Bali and the other Indonesian islands do not simply have positive aspects before you begin. First, visas can resemble authentic Chinese crossword puzzles. Therefore, corruption might make you feel nauseous if you don't know how to handle it. Finally, pollution may be a problem away from picture-perfect beaches.

France-based businesses in Indonesia

The European population in Indonesia is not as large as one might imagine, and the French community there is undeveloped. The English and the Dutch make up the majority of the European population.

However, major French corporations are still making investments in the nation, including TOTAL and banks SG, BNP, LCL, ACCOR in the hospitality sector, AIR LIQUIDE in the chemical sector, DANONE, and BOUYGUES.

Thankfully, commerce is advancing. More than 40,000 individuals are employed by French businesses today.

Testimonials from expats: what people genuinely think about living in Indonesia

Considering that they are the ones that discuss it the best. A nation can only be truly understood after having lived there for some time. We searched these long-term travelers' blogs for information. Online employment is common among foreigners. No matter where they are in the globe, travelers may now continue to make a living thanks to the Internet.

Moving to Ubud is not the same as living in Jakarta. The capital city of Indonesia is filthy and tiresome. Our recommendation is to locate your lodging as far away from major thoroughfares as you can, as traffic never stops there! Another factor is how quickly the city is evolving. Thankfully, the natural world is not that far away.

Otherwise, Indonesians are recognized for being kind, approachable, relaxed, and full of humor.

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What is the cost of living on the job site?

You can be the king of the world with a French or American wage in Indonesia.


  • 2.50€ per liter for gasoline.
  • Rent for a villa with a pool is 800€ per month (can be rented by year).
  • Rent for two wheels is 70€ a month.
  • 50 cents for one street food.
  • 2€ for a brief cab journey.
  • 150€ a month can get you a worker from home.

It's true that daily living is inexpensive. But remember to include the cost of education, tuition, and health insurance when calculating your budget. You must have the corresponding budget if you wish to live comfortably in Indonesia while maintaining your Western habits.

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